President Trump and CBS released snippets of POTUS’ annual Super Bowl interview and Nancy Pelosi is fuming. Trump ripped Pelosi, accu...

Trump Trashes Pelosi In Super Bowl Interview: ‘She Is Very Bad For Our Country’

President Trump and CBS released snippets of POTUS’ annual Super Bowl interview and Nancy Pelosi is fuming.
Trump ripped Pelosi, accusing her inaction on the border wall akin to aiding human trafficking.
“I think that she was very rigid which I would expect. She is very bad for our country,” President Trump said.
“She knows you need a barrier. She knows we need border security. She wanted to win a political point.”
“I happen to think it’s very bad politics because basically she wants open borders. She doesn’t mind human trafficking or she wouldn’t do this,” he added.
“She is costing the country hundreds of billions of dollars because what’s happening is when you have a porous border and when you have drugs pouring in and when you have people dying all over the country because of people like Nancy Pelosi who don’t want to give proper border security for political reasons she is doing a terrible disservice to our country.”
From CBS:
President Trump said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “very bad for the country,” in an exclusive interview with CBS News “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan.
The president also suggested Pelosi “doesn’t mind human trafficking,” or she wouldn’t oppose funding his border wall.
Mr. Trump sat down for nearly an hour in the White House Blue Room Friday afternoon in a wide-ranging interview that will air on “Face the Nation” Sunday morning and prior to the Super Bowl. 
Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill responded to the president’s remarks, saying, “The president knows, bluster aside, that Democrats are committed to securing our borders while upholding our values as a nation.
The president should stop undermining bipartisan efforts to do just that.”
“President Trump’s recklessness didn’t make us safer, it undermined our security with 35 days of border patrol agents, DEA agents, FBI agents and Homeland Security personnel missing paychecks.
Democrats have put forward strong, smart and effective border security solutions in the bipartisan conference committee, while the President still refuses to take a second shutdown off the table.”

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